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What a bummer – This pagelink do not work… now. But hey, no worries. There are other pages that you can read. We are so exited about our customers! How Kook is that?
Did you know, our main purpoce for our customers:
- Find more sales and increase the awareness
- Develope our customer’s business and help them with new digital tools we have
- Increase the knowledge how to use creative professionals
- Train customers, how to monotize the potential of licensing
OMG! How KOOK is that – error 404
Even thou you did not find what you were looking for, please continue forward. Click any link on this page, you will find us.
Also keywords we like to use: #IPR #licensing #businessdevelopment #marketing #sales
If you are not in a hurry, we surely appreciate if you could send us a short message which page did not work for you. Send us email here, thank you!
From this link, you can go back to our home page.
How KOOK is that – error 404 can be fixed 🙂
Our latest blog posts – in Finnish
- CLAP OY liiketoiminta siirtyy KOOK Managementille
- Elintarvikealan kehittäminen Etelä-Pohjanmaalla – TYVI projektin kolme edelläkävijä yritystä
- 8 havaintoa työelämän uudistumisen työkaluista – yli 100 yrityksen vastaus kyselytutkimukseen taidepohjaisista menetelmistä
- Yrityksen kansainvälistyminen ja luovien alojen hyödyntäminen
- Elinkeinoelämän kehittäminen luovien ratkaisujen avulla
Or possible you want to search our company, Kook Management from Google.
Please, do it here!